AGILE LEADERSHIP COACHING as part of EXECUTIVE COACHING deals with the improvement of management and LEADERSHIP skills in an agile environment

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The Challenge "Leadership in the VUCA World"

VUCA is probably the greatest challenge that organizations and therefore managers face today. The acronym “VUCA” stands for Volatility, Uncer¬tainty, Complexity and Ambiguity. It was coined by the U.S. Army a few years ago to describe the extreme conditions in the war in Afghanistan and Iraq.

VUCA more or less affects all organizations, whether medium-sized or large. And that’s why all managers are faced with the exciting question: How do I lead in the VUCA world? The keynote speeches or seminars can only be an introduction to the topic, the right challenges arise in everyday life, with and with the people of the organization.


This is where agile leadership coaching comes in. The challenges of a VUCA environment and agile transformations flow into our work as a core element and make it very valuable for the real everyday life of managers.

Leaders = system shaper, System coaching is the key

The AGILE COACHING is carried out from a systematic point of view, always with the “whole” in mind. Systemic coaching will not aim to find “right” solutions. It cannot be calculated in advance whether a solution found is “correct”. Rather, systemic coaching aims to develop useful solutions for the coachee. In principle, anything can be useful that actually increases the scope for action and leads to more sustainable thinking and action patterns in relation to the coaching goal. Only solutions that address and expand the existing potential of the coachee can be sustainable.

VUCA World
VUCA World

>> Depending on the topic, the scope of the coaching processes can be individually designed – the offer is tailored to the needs.


>> Individual coaching of managers and leaders can be combined with group coaching of teams in order to better support a holistic effect.


>> Coaching can be carried out in person or remotely / virtually via video. From experience in recent years, both can be implemented and successfully.

Our work as an agile coach is to understand where the teams and leaders are on their path and to offer the right approach to support their growth.

Our goal is continuous and sustainable improvement. We do this by asking the right questions, providing meaningful and helpful mental models, challenging people in their thinking and leading them to develop great products & services for customers. “

(M. A. Brückner)

2021 © Mario A. Brückner

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